Friday, February 1, 2008

Sweet memories

Memories...sweet memories..
so invaluable, so touchy..
who can ever put a value on those?

Think about those past sweet moments
the happiness starts gushing around
making your present look greener and brighter..

The first drops of the rain
soothing rays of the sunset
calmness of the sea
sweet chirp of the birds
dew on the leaves
fragrance in the air
slow moving skies
humming of bees around flowers
resonance of the wind chimes
chillness of the soft breeze
drown my mind with reminiscences of past gaiety

memories,sweet memories,sweet thoughts
who can ever put a value on those?


Unknown said...

Hi Joe,
An excellent attempt I must say. I liked the way you opened the poem. But then, if you take all the way from Kuvempu to Da Ra Be or Stacy Smith, Dan Tharp or the legendary Wordsworth have said it in one or the other form.

"Tranquil as the words may sound freshness is what is missing"

Once again I strongly compliment the approach and wish you all the luck for future attempts.

Jyothi Heddese said...

Hey Kiran,
Thanks for your comments..Shall definitely take note of your suggestions in my next one!

Unknown said...

Very nice effort. Glad to see this side of yours. Suggestion would be to try to put in some rhyme to get the feel of the deepness being asserted in the words.